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    By Tagged in homelessness, mental-health, support, veterans 537 downloads

    All Veterans Aid’s activities revolve around helping ex-servicemen and women in crisis.

    The Charity has played a significant part nationally in the reduction and eradication of homelessness among veterans. It intervenes immediately, practically and at three stages: before crisis (preventing), during (addressing) and after (sustaining).

    Because homelessness is both a cause and an effect, Veterans Aid’s activities are diverse. Its objective is always to enable sustainable, independent living, but the interventions necessary to achieve this can involve days, weeks, months – or even years of investment.

    Veterans Aid’s Welfare to Wellbeing© model is one that looks at both context and the circumstances of the individual when tackling crisis. It introduces veterans to a system that will offer holistic support, but it recognises that some issues need to be resolved as a priority before others can be addressed.

    Immediate actions might be provision of food, new clothing and shelter.

    Subsequent interventions might involve prolonged periods of counselling, drink/drug rehabilitation and medical treatment.

    Further support frequently involves education, retraining or the acquisition of a new skill.

    Help is given to identify employment opportunities and, when they are considered ready, individuals are helped to move into new homes – furnished and decorated by Veterans Aid.

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