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    pdf Guides/Workbooks/Leaflets

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    pdf Crisis Card AW (522 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 466 KB)
    pdf Crisis Plan AW (370 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 318 KB)
    pdf Dealing Negative Emotions (653 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 148 KB)
    pdf Depression Symptom And Mood Tracker (1772 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 8.71 MB)
    pdf Looking after feelings and body guide (426 downloads) Popular Download
    default Mental Health leaflets (National Centre for Mental Health) (375 downloads) Popular Download
    pdf Our Best Mental Health Tips backed by research | Mental Health Foundation (266 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 4.82 MB)
    pdf Overcoming Avoidance: Facing Your Fears (1141 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 220 KB)
    default Resources and leaflets on mental health and wellbeing (761 downloads) Popular Download
    Image The Alphabet Game - Grounding Technique (354 downloads) Popular Download (jpg, 144 KB)
    pdf Thriving with Nature | Mental Health Foundation (274 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 1.72 MB)
    pdf Top Tips for supporting a friend (201 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 247 KB)
    pdf Top tips on connecting with nature to improve your mental health (193 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 7.41 MB)
    pdf What is a hopebox? (643 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 1.68 MB)
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