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    default 5 breathing techniques to manage stress | Happiful Popular

    By Tagged in breathing-exercises, mental-health 435 downloads

    Stress is a normal part of our lives. The way we’re built as humans means that certain events and situations can trigger our stress response system, creating internal panic and alarming our body of danger.

    But, although stress is a natural, human response, if experienced regularly, this fight or flight mechanism can play havoc with our wellbeing. The physical symptoms of stress include rapid inhalation, high blood pressure and increased heart rate.

    One often underestimated tool to ease these symptoms is harnessing the power of the breath. In fact, deep breathing is one of the best ways to lower your stress levels, as the process sends messages to your brain to calm down and recentre.

    There are lots of breathing techniques that will help you relax, many of which are taught in education environments to help students prepare for exams and stressful situations. Therefore, we’ve enlisted the help of Richard Evans, education expert at The Profs to share five tried and tested breathing techniques that can help you manage stress.

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