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    default Discover the joy of hiking and its mental health benefits Popular

    By Tagged in hiking, mental-health, physical-health 405 downloads

    Walking in nature is great for your mental and physical health. So, get your boots on and step up, because here’s our beginner’s guide

    Whether strolling up a local hill or attempting the Three Peaks Challenge, hiking is an activity with a range of benefits. According to mental health charity Mind, spending time exercising outdoors in nature can benefit our mental health by improving our mood and reducing feelings of stress. And it’s good for our physical health, too: brisk walking counts towards the NHS’s recommended 150 minutes of exercise a week.

    We’re lucky in the UK to have great places to experience, with national parks across the country, and a range of terrain to explore. Here, we look at the joy of hiking and how you can get involved.

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