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    default Building activity into your daily life | We are Undefeatable Popular

    By Tagged in keep_active, physical-activity, we-are-undefeatable 456 downloads

    Getting active doesn’t need to be about doing traditional exercises. It can just be about doing things that fit into your daily routine, as and when you can.

    Every way you get moving genuinely matters. Things like taking the stairs at home, walking to and from the supermarket, or taking your dog out for a stroll around the block all add up. And even little things you can do around the house still count, like getting on your feet during a TV ad break or stretching while making a cup of tea.

    On the days you feel up to it, making these sorts of little changes to how you move about can make a big impact in the long term. Tools like the Active 10 app can help you track how much brisk walking you've integrated into your routine; you can find a link in the relevant resources section.

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