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    default A mindful moment: outdoors art Popular

    By Tagged in creativity, mental-health 238 downloads

    Getting crafty can do wonders for your wellbeing, from reducing stress, and helping to express yourself, to improving your self-esteem with a sense of accomplishment. And the thing is you don’t have to be a budding Picasso to reap the benefits; it’s not about the outcome, or a gallery-worthy creation. This is about how art makes you feel, the joy of creation, and the exploration of your emotions.

    And combining these benefits with the wonders of nature just gives the whole activity an added boost. To really get mindful about it, consider your posture and how you are interacting with the artwork. Can you feel different textures, the sun on your skin, or the breeze brushing over you as you work? Follow your instincts about what you want to draw, sketch, paint etc., and don’t put any pressure on yourself if you make a mistake, or it doesn’t look how you planned. This is expressive; this is about connecting with the world around you deeply and intuitively for a moment.

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