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    default CV- Library Job Search (Apple) Popular

    By Tagged in employment, finding_work, job_vacancies 631 downloads

    Find a job with CV-Library!

    Search and apply to over 210,000 jobs with our free, award-winning Job Search app.

    For phones and tablets, the app is full of features so you can find a job quickly and easily.


    Key features:

    * Job Alerts: Create and manage custom job alerts to see brand new, tailored matches first

    * Favourites: Save searches, jobs and cover letters

    * Easy CV Upload: Use Dropbox or Google Drive to keep your profile up to date

    * Personal Profile: Show off your strengths, skills and tell employers what jobs you want

    * Search History: Our smart search remembers previously used keywords

    * Offline mode: Continue to search, save and apply for jobs even when your connection is lost


    Use the CV-Library app whenever, wherever you are to find your dream job.

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