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    How we can help

    Many of our members are dependent on volunteers for their survival and development, as they often only have a few, if any, paid staff. Groups are often started by a group of volunteers from the local community and continue to encourage volunteers to take part at all levels of their organisation. Volunteers may be asked to:

    • Look after livestock and crops
    • Support other users with, for example, special needs to become involved with the farm or garden
    • Help run community enterprises like cafes and shops
    • Get involved in afterschool clubs, projects and playwork
    • Carry out general maintenance and construction work
    • Help with administration and fundraising
    • And, of course, as members of their management committees to be responsible for their overall management and sustainability.

    We receive many requests from the public about volunteering opportunities. Unfortunately, we cannot arrange volunteering opportunities at specific sites or give updates on where volunteering opportunities are available because these change on a daily basis.

    Please use the online map or list search function on this website to find contact details for our member organisations near you who may have volunteering opportunities.

    Volunteering is a great way to meet people, get involved in a local community project, and to gain new skills and, in some cases, vocational qualifications. Most of all, it's fun!

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