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    A Day in the Life Of...Dawn Ballard - White

    Image shows a teal and purple background with simple polka dot shapes. In the foreground Dawn is smiling. To the right is simple bold white text.

    Here at the Recovery College our team is growing all the time, and we feel we should celebrate that with you, and put some names to faces. So today we are chatting with the lovely Dawn Ballard - White. 

    1) What is your job role?

    I am a facilitator. I facilitate courses at the college covering various subjects and pathways. I really enjoy facilitating deep conversations around mental health in a safe and supportive environment and giving students the skills to help with their mental health recovery.

    2) Name something that you love about working at the Recovery College.

    I love seeing a student have a "lightbulb moment" in a session. Where something clicks and you know you've made a positive impact to that student's life. That is what this job is all about, those moments. I also love that every day is different, each day brings new discussions, new sessions, new faces and new challenges. Being able to use my own lived experience to support and inspire others is also a something I love about this job. I love my job, the team, the students, everything.

    3) What's next, relevant or exciting for you at the College?

    I am helping to put together some new courses for the college which is very exciting! I am also very excited for the role out of the Moodle app and the opening of all our new bases!

    A big thank you to Dawn!

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