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    A Day in the Life Of...Hazel Cummings

    Image shows mint green background with Hazel Cunningham in the foreground. Behind her head is a stippled pink curve shape. To the right is bold white text, with smaller purple and white fonts below.

    At the Recovery College our team comes from a range of diverse professional backgrounds. Everyone brings their own lived experience into their roles, creating bridges of knowledge and understanding between themselves and students. Today we celebrate the super duper Hazel Cummings with a few questions:

    1) What is your job role and what subjects do you cover?

    Hi I'm Hazel and I am a Facilitator with the Recovery College. The main aspect of my role is to deliver courses on a wide range of subjects to students who attend the college. This can be online or face to face.

    All of our courses are based around the CHIME* framework for personal recovery which gives us the opportunity to support students in many different ways as they progress through the college. For me, one of the best parts of my role is to see a student's journey progress from their initial IAG (information and guidance) appointment to their end of term review where we are able to recognise and celebrate the progress students have made.

    2) Name something you love about working at the Recovery College.

    No two days are the same in my role and there are so many things that I enjoy about working at the college, but in particular being able to provide support to students in many different areas and working with a very supportive management team, who have the staff and students best interests at the heart of all they do.

    3) What's next?

    The college is expanding and I am looking forward to the opportunities this will bring to everyone. In particular I am looking forward to our new bases opening this year which will provide us with the opportunity to see more students face to face and help us to obtain stronger links within our local communities for students to engage with.

    I look forward to meeting with you all.

    We are sure the students feel the same Hazel! Thanks.

    If you would like to know more about what we do and what can offer you email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    * See our web page: What is CHIME? (therecoverycollege.co.uk)

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