By Edward Wakefield on Friday, 12 May 2023
Category: The Recovery College for the Black Country Activities

A Day in the Life Of...Jon Banyard

Here at the Recovery College we have a really great team of dedicated facilitators who make your recovery journey as smooth and as friendly as possible. Today we're talking to a true champ, Jon Banyard, who also happens to be our resident Quiz Master at end of term celebrations! 

1) What is your role at the college and what subjects do you cover?

Hi I'm Jon, I'm 25 and a facilitator at the Recovery College. I deliver courses to students across the board with a passion for the mental health and wellbeing courses, occasionally sprinkling a little humour here and there.

2) Name something you love about the Recovery College.

The culture of hope and positivity that we have at the Recovery College is infectious. It is rewarding to be able to use my own lived experience of mental health problems to help others in their own recovery journey's and see the progress that students make over time.

There is much to learn at the Recovery College – even for us staff! I must admit, I am a huge nerd and I enjoy learning as much from the students who attend as they learn from the session. It is exciting to be working for a service that is still relatively young and developing constantly.

3) What's next?

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it's the 'Let's talk about Loneliness' course I am currently helping to coproduce at the college! Loneliness is something I am hugely passionate about, and it is such an important issue to talk about at the moment in our communities across the Black Country.

The course will provide information about loneliness, how to help those who are suffering and if it is something you are experiencing – what support is out there for you. Stay tuned! 

Many thanks Jon

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