By Edward Wakefield on Tuesday, 09 May 2023
Category: The Recovery College for the Black Country Activities

A Day in the Life Of...Lisa Round

At the Recovery College we have a lovely team of caring and dedicated individuals here to support you on your journey to Recovery. The Facilitators are a key part of this, here to help run courses, answer questions and share their lived experience. Today we're talking to Lisa Round! 

1) What is your job role and what subjects do you cover?

Hi, I'm Lisa, I am one of the Facilitators at the Recovery College. My role is to deliver a variety of courses to the students who attend the college. I have a passion for being healthy, so I enjoy delivering the food and mood course and spending time with the students on the health walks as it's a great way to get active and connect with nature.

2) Name something you love about working at the Recovery College.

It's so inspiring to see the students progress and gain relationships through connecting with other people in a positive way and to live a meaningful and purpose life.

I gain a lot from hearing students talk positively about how the college has given them hope and made a difference in their lives, seeing how they gain confidence and grow makes me feel so proud to be a facilitator.

3) What's next?

I'm excited to see the college expand and to meet more students face to face.

Thanks Lisa! If you would like to know more about what we do and what can offer you email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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