By Edward Wakefield on Thursday, 20 April 2023
Category: The Recovery College for the Black Country Activities

A Day in the Life Of...Keyleigh Alison

Here at the Recovery College we are super proud of our hard working team, and we feel that it's time to celebrate them, and put some names to faces. Today we are chatting with Keyleigh Alison, one of the admin team. They hold the keys to everything from course registration to minute taking in our [often huge] team meetings, and so much more. We couldn't work without you guys! So without further ado, here's Keyleigh answering some of our handpicked questions...

1) What is your job role?

I have worked for the recovery college since November 2022 and have loved every day. Being part of the admin team we oversee all that goes on in the college. We help to make everything run smoothly from being the first point of call for a students, keeping students informed of when they have a class coming up, making sure that information about the college is communicated, enrolling new students, liaising with our facilitators, observing courses and much more. We are a very close knit team that support each other closely.

2) Name something that you love about working at the recovery college.

I love interacting with the students whether that be new students interested in the college or current students who need to talk, I value the time to understand our students and their needs better. 

3) What's next?

The college is currently expanding over the 4 areas of the black country: Wolverhampton, Sandwell, Dudley and Walsall, I am really excited to see what the future holds with this expansion of our students, curriculum and colleagues. 

Thanks Keyleigh!

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