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    Walsall College is taking part in a new project to support people aged 19 – 29 living in the Birchills Leamore and St Matthews wards who are currently not studying, working or in any form of training.

    The Ignite2 Project aims to support people in these postcode wards with provisions from Walsall College in a variety of areas, which could be any of the following:

    Part-time Courses

    Home Based Learning

    Short training courses


     Short courses to help people back into work

      Plus much more!

    They also offer a free impartial Careers, Advice & Guidance service at the college where you can chat to the team who will be able to advise you in a number of ways, even regarding courses not necessarily at Walsall College, including:

    • Finding a college/further education course that suits you
    • Giving you a heads-up on free training, apprenticeship or job opportunities
    • Putting you in touch with people and services to guide you into self-employment or a social enterprise

    Participants who fully engage will have access throughout their journey to an assigned member of staff, as well as access to a free digital tablet! 


    Email - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

    Call - 01922 651142 

    Phone, text or WhatsApp - 07920 084770

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