Our blog

    International Pride Month


    Pride Month with this years theme being 'Behind the Lens' we are celebrating the LGBTQ+ people in the film and TV industry, whilst increasing people's knowledge of the contributions they make. Throughout the month we will be celebrating Pride. So keep an eye out on our socials and blogs as we will be sharing and highlighting, what's going on across the Black Country throughout June and how we are celebrating this year at the college.

    To start off this month, we have support resources from Tough Enough To Care, Wolverhampton LGBT+, Another Way - LGBT Socials & Support Group and Birmingham LGBT.

    Tough Enough To Care – Supporting People, NOT labels

    Wolverhampton LGBT+

    Another Way - LGBT Social & Support Group (anotherway2011.wixsite.com)

    Home - Birmingham LGBT (blgbt.org) 

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    Volunteers Week
    Forge Mill Farm in Sandwell
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