By Edward Wakefield on Thursday, 09 March 2023
Category: Training and Employment

NHS Volunteer Responders

Volunteer Responders is a national, flexible volunteering programme supporting health and care in England.

Originally set up during the pandemic, 400,000 'on duty' volunteers delivered over 2.2 million tasks between them.

The programme is now being redesigned - reflecting feedback and learning from the pandemic and working closely with health and care services to shape and evolve what it provides in future. It aims to offer a resilient pool of volunteers providing additional capacity where needed and the ability to respond to future emergencies. 

There are lots of exciting volunteer opportunities coming up. If you'd like to be a Volunteer Responder, leave your details by following the link below:

Register your interest | Volunteer Responders (

More volunteering links can be found in our hub here: Volunteering in my community (