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    Parinirvana Day 2023

    Image shows seated figure on the right in a flowing robe, with hand raised. The background is pink and purple. Stylised black text reads: Parinirvana Day 2023. The Recovery College logo is in the bottom left of the image.

    Parinirvana Day 2023. Parinirvana Day, also known as Nirvana Day, is celebrated annually on February 15 to commemorate the death of the Buddha when he attained complete nirvana or parinirvana. 

    For more information head to these helpful websites:

    Parinirvana Day 2023: Meaning, history, significance, and celebrations (newsbytesapp.com)
    PARINIRVANA DAY (NIRVANA DAY) - February 15, 2023 - National Today
    BBC - Religions - Buddhism: Parinirvana

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