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    Race Equality Week

    Image shows 3 blocks colour, black followed by white and then black again. In the top left of the image is a green holly leaf, followed by capitalised text that reads RACE EQUALITY WEEK. Dates for the equality week are 6th to 12th February.

    Race Equality Week is an annual UK-wide movement uniting thousands of organisations and individuals to address the barriers to race equality in the workplace. 

    The theme for 2023 is #ItsEveryonesBusiness because tackling race inequality is everyone's business.


    If you're interested in finding out more and how to take part in the 5 day challenge go to this website:

    Race Equality Week - Race Equality Matters

    And find out more here: 
    Race Equality Week (skillsforcare.org.uk)
    Get ready for Race Equality week 2023 - Homeshare UK

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