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    Samaritan's Small Talk Saves Lives Campaign

    Image shows cream background with a green print of a coffee cup in the middle. Text reads A little small talk like: Hi, where can I get a coffee? can be all it takes to start someone on a recovery journey.

    A little small talk and a simple question like "Hi, where can I get a coffee?" can be all it takes to interrupt someone's suicidal thoughts and could help set them on the journey to recovery. The Samaritans campaign will run from 21 February to 12 March 2023.

    For more information head here: 

    Small Talk Saves Lives | Campaigns | Samaritans

    If you are part of an organisation and would like press and social media tools, please follow the link below:

    Small Talk Saves Lives Toolkit | Samartitans (samaritans.org)

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