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    Kirsty Barnes Celebrates LGBTQ+ History Month

    Image shows bright pink background with a curved rainbow on the right of the image. Bold white text at the top reads: LGBTQ(PLUS) History Month, followed by a short description of why Kirsty Barnes, the Recovery college Business manager feels the month is important to her.

    All our staff believe in the importance of #LGBTQHistoryMonth & throughout February we will be asking our team to reflect on what this means to them. 

    Today we have Kirsty Barnes, the Recovery College Business Development & Sustainability Manager:

    'I think LGBTQ+ history month is important as it brings the "once hidden voices" of the LGBTQ+ community into the forefront, to the now. I feel we owe it to them, to hear their voices today and to understand what it was like being in the LGBTQ+ community back in the past and to learn about individual experiences too and celebrate their lives and achievements. This year's LGBTQ+ History Month…. I am going to research Josephine Tey (who was from my family hometown of Inverness… I have recently heard that one of my great aunts knew her a little) and is one of the Golden Age Crime Writers that I love to read again and again.' 

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