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    default Active 10 App : Track and build up your daily walks – start with 10 minutes every day! (Apple) Popular

    By Tagged in app, keep-fit, keep_active 772 downloads

    Healthy changes start with little changes. Whether you want to lose weight, get more active or improve your mood, Better Health and Active 10 will be here to support you reach your health goals.

    There has never been a better time to kickstart your health.


    • Track all your walking and how many minutes were brisk (10 brisk minutes = Active 10)

    • Earn rewards for every brisk minute achieved throughout the day - perfect for those starting from low levels of activity

    • Use Pace Checker to see what brisk walking feels like

    • Set goals to keep motivated and help you progress

    • View up to 12 months of your walking activity, to see how far you have come

    • Discover loads of hints and tips on achieving a healthier lifestyle

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