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    Drop-In Sessions & Volunteering with YMCA Walsall

    Come along every Wednesday between 10.30am till 1.30pm at YMCA Small Street Centre. Where YMCA  will be offering free drop in sessions for local residents to support with:

    • Form completion 
    • Employment Support 
    • Accessing Online Council Services 
    • General Information Advice & Guidance 

    For further information or to book 1-1 appointments please contact Jessica Martin on the following.

    Tel: 07706341613 

    Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    Could you offer your spare time to help someone feel less lonely?  YMCA are looking for volunteers to give their time to make a positive impact on the lives of older individuals in the community who may be facing feelings of loneliness and isolation. Your companionship and support can bring joy to their lives, fostering a sense of belonging and renewed purpose. Through meaningful conversations and shared experiences, you'll have the opportunity to learn from them and gain valuable life insights.

    It could be as simple as a phone call, a cup of tea or supporting them to get out and about these simple acts of kindness can boost emotional well-being and self-esteem. Primarily working in the Walsall area, volunteers are expected to commit to a minimum of 2 hours a week. If you can speak BSL or another language, that's a bonus!

    If you feel this is for you then please contact The Small Street Centre on 01922 700950 or visit: Volunteer for YMCA in the Black Country (ymcabc.org.uk) to complete their application form.

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