Drop-In Sessions & Volunteering with YMCA Walsall

Come along every Wednesday between 10.30am till 1.30pm at YMCA Small Street Centre. Where YMCA  will be offering free drop in sessions for local residents to support with: Form completion Employment Support Accessing Online Council Services General Information Advice & Guidance  For further information or to book 1...

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Principal's Drop In Thank You!

Principals Drop In Thank You

A huge thanks to all our students and volunteers from our Principal Kerry Wilkes and Deputy Principal Liane Howe for making today's Drop In session so fruitful. There were rich discussions and valuable feedback, all of which helps build a better Recovery College experience. Don't forget we have our final drop in of the year on Thursd...

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  230 Hits

Principal's Drop In - 25th July

Image shows teal and orange background with a broad tangerine arrow cutting d own the middle. Bold white text reads Principals Drop in from the top left. Below are three duotone circles with the Recovery College Principal and Vice Principals.

Would you like to speak to the Recovery College Principals? Do you have any burning questions or suggestions for the College and how it is run? Then this is the chance for you to speak with Kerry Wilkes, Liane Howe and Steven Chand. Feel free to share your ideas throughout the year as our drop ins are now running from the end of May until December!...

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  448 Hits

Principals Drop In, June 28th

Image shows teal and orange background with a broad tangerine arrow cutting d own the middle. Bold white text reads Principals Drop in from the top left. Below are three duotone circles with the Recovery College Principal and Vice Principals.

Would you like to speak to the Recovery College Principals? Do you have any burning questions or suggestions for the College and how it is run? Then this is the chance for you to speak with Kerry Wilkes, Liane Howe and Steven Chand. Feel free to share your ideas throughout the year as our drop ins are now running from the end of May until December!...

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  392 Hits

Principals Drop In

Image shows teal and orange background with a broad tangerine arrow cutting d own the middle. Bold white text reads Principals Drop in from the top left. Below are three duotone circles with the Recovery College Principal and Vice Principals.

Would you like to speak to the Recovery College Principals? Do you have any burning questions or suggestions for the College and how it is run?  Then this is the chance for you to speak with Kerry Wilkes, Liane Howe and Steven Chand. Feel free to share your ideas throughout the year as our drop ins are now running from the end of May unti...

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