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    Mental Health Awareness Week: Anxiety, Day 4

    Mental Health Awareness Week 4

    Mental Health Awareness Week this year is focused on anxiety and how we can increase people's awareness and understanding of anxiety by providing information on the things that can help prevent it from becoming a problem.

    As we progress throughout this week, we are looking at websites and resources that can help you combat anxiety. There is a lot out there so we have carefully chosen some of the best bits for you to have a look over. 

    Today we are looking at Mental Health UK, YoungMinds and a podcast from Owning It: 

    Anxiety Disorders - Mental Health UK (mentalhealth-uk.org)

    The Grounding Technique That Helps When I'm Anxious | YoungMinds

     It: The Anxiety Podcast on Apple Podcasts

    Please also head over to our Hub where we have a tonne of information including leaflets, videos and more: The RC Hub (therecoverycollege.co.uk)


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    Mental Health Awareness Week: Anxiety, Day 5
    Mental Health Awareness Week: Anxiety, Day 3
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