Digital Dynasty


Are you a community organisation looking to increase or improve your digital offer to your community? Can your organisation become a digital hub, providing local communities with greater access to the essential digital services they need?  With the Digital Dynasty project they will discuss training needs with you, design a bespoke package...

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  246 Hits

A Day in the Life Of...Ed Wakefield

Image shows dark green background with a lighter green cloud. In the foreground Ed is smiling, wearing a green shirt and black bow tie. To the right is bold white text with smaller coloured font below.

At the Recovery College our team has expanded rapidly over 2023. It is a really exciting time at the College with lots of new projects, initiatives and bases growing. And the marketing team is no exception, so without further ado here's Ed!1) What is your job role and what subjects do you cover?I am Digital Officer at the Recovery college - what th...

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  595 Hits

Basic Digital Courses at Walsall College

Basic- Digital Courses WC

Starting from 21st April, Walsall College will be hosting *free Basic Digital Sessions with Mossley Wellbeing Group for six weeks! Held at St Thomas' Church every Friday until 26th May, between 1pm - 2pm, there will be the chance for learners to improve their digital skills, with sessions including: Tips & hints on how to use your mobile phone ...

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  296 Hits

Sandwell Digital Donations, 2023

Image shows three circles with images of a laptop, a couple of people working on a desktop computer and a cloud symbol. Overlaying each image is a purple, orange and red circle with text.

Are you a community group in Sandwell who would like to get your service online and use the internet to support your needs? Sandwell Digital Donations are offering free laptops to help set up learning hubs on your premises. For more information refer to the PDF below or contact Katy McAllister on: 07790 939564 or email:&nbs...

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