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    LGBTQ+ History Month Resources

    LGBTQ+ History Month

    The team at the Recovery College are celebrating LGBTQ+ History month throughout February, and we are happy to share resources and websites that you may find useful. Here are a few sites we have come across:  LGBT+ History Month (lgbtplushistorymonth.co.uk) - this is a great place to find out how the History Month started, and provides li...

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      483 Hits

    International Epilepsy Day 2023

    International Epilepsy Day 2023

    International Epilepsy Day is an annual event organized by the International Bureau for Epilepsy (IBE) and the International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) to raise awareness about epilepsy and its impact on individuals, families and communities around the world. If you would like to find out more there are several helpful websites:International Ep...

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      425 Hits

    Bryony Celebrates LGBTQ+ Month

    Image shows bright pink background with a curved rainbow on the right of the image. Bold white text at the top reads: LGBTQ(PLUS) History Month, followed by a short description of why Bryony, a Recovery College volunteer feels the month is important to her.

    All our staff believe in the importance of #LGBTQHistoryMonth & throughout February we will be asking our team to reflect on what this means to them. Today we have Bryony, a Recovery College Volunteer:  'A chance to learn more about the history of my culture and acknowledge those who fought for our rights'. We will be providing helpful lin...

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      412 Hits

    Charlotte and Ed Celebrate LGBTQ+ History Month

    LGBTQ + History Month: Charlotte

    All our staff believe in the importance of #LGBTQHistoryMonth & throughout February we will be asking our team to reflect on what this means to them. Today we have Charlotte Jones, Marketing Officer and Ed Wakefield Digital Officer offering their perspectives:  'LGBTQ+ History month is important to me as it raises awareness of the LGBTQ+ c...

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      446 Hits

    Children's Mental Health Week

    Children's Mental Health Week

    Place2Be launched the first-ever Children's Mental Health Week in 2015 to shine a spotlight on the importance of children and young people's mental health. Now in its ninth year, they hope to encourage more people than ever to get involved, spread the word and raise vital funds for children's mental health. Every year, Place2Be's exp...

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      448 Hits

    Sexual Abuse and Sexual Violence Awareness Week

    Image shows dark blue speech bubble with ragged edges. Inside the speech bubble is dark red text that reads Sexual abuse and sexual violence in capitals. Below this text is a thin white line. Underneath is the text: Awareness week 2023.

    Sexual Abuse & Sexual Violence Awareness Week is the UK's national week to raise awareness of sexual abuse and violence and to provide an opportunity for any organisation or individual to engage in dialogue. The Sexual Abuse & Sexual Violence Awareness Week occurs on the first full week of February. For 2023 that will take place from 6th to...

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      581 Hits

    National HIV Testing Week

    Image shows turquoise square with a dark blue curved shape in the centre. A bold white outline of the same shape is mirrored and overlaps on the other side. Bold white and pink text is overlaid on the shape, and reads: National HIV Testing Week, with the dates 6-12 Feb 2023 running vertically along the outline.

    National HIV Testing Week (6-12 February) is a campaign that promotes regular testing among the most affected population groups in England.  HIV testing is free, quick and easy, and you can even test from home. If you would like to know more, the following websites are helpful: National HIV Testing Week returns for 2023 | Terrence Hi...

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      435 Hits

    Race Equality Week

    Image shows 3 blocks colour, black followed by white and then black again. In the top left of the image is a green holly leaf, followed by capitalised text that reads RACE EQUALITY WEEK. Dates for the equality week are 6th to 12th February.

    Race Equality Week is an annual UK-wide movement uniting thousands of organisations and individuals to address the barriers to race equality in the workplace.  The theme for 2023 is #ItsEveryonesBusiness because tackling race inequality is everyone's business. #ActionDrivesChangeIf you're interested in finding out more and how to take part in ...

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      547 Hits

    Kirsty Barnes Celebrates LGBTQ+ History Month

    Image shows bright pink background with a curved rainbow on the right of the image. Bold white text at the top reads: LGBTQ(PLUS) History Month, followed by a short description of why Kirsty Barnes, the Recovery college Business manager feels the month is important to her.

    All our staff believe in the importance of #LGBTQHistoryMonth & throughout February we will be asking our team to reflect on what this means to them.  Today we have Kirsty Barnes, the Recovery College Business Development & Sustainability Manager: 'I think LGBTQ+ history month is important as it brings the "once hidden voices" of the L...

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      552 Hits

    Time to Talk Day

    Time to Talk Day 2023

    Time to Talk Day is the nation's biggest mental health conversation. Happening every year, it's a day for friends, families, communities, and workplaces to come together to talk, listen and change lives. If you would like to know more head to: Time To Talk Day they have some incredible FREE resources to download, for social media adv...

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      417 Hits

    National Hijab Day 2023

    Image shows a Muslim woman wearing a hijab on a plain purple background. Bold orange letters read World Hijab Day 2023 on the left hand side of the image. The Recovery College logo is in the bottom left of the image.

    World Hijab Day is observed every year on February 1 to honour Muslim women who wear the hijab. It is also a day to urge women of various origins and beliefs to try on the hijab and see what it is like to wear it. Muslim women maintain their modesty by wearing the hijab. Many also use them to safeguard themselves from male harassment.There is absol...

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      617 Hits

    Dignity Action Day 2023

    Dignity Action Day 2023

     Today is Dignity Action Day. What does this mean? Dignity Action Day #DAD2023 is an annual opportunity for health and social care workers, and members of the public to uphold people's rights to dignity and provide a truly memorable day for people who use care services. If you would like to learn more, you might find the following&nb...

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      451 Hits

    The Recovery College Celebrates LGBTQ+ History Month


    The team at the Recovery College are celebrating LGBTQ+ History month throughout February. All our staff all believe in the importance of this celebration and have chipped in with a few thoughts as to what it means to them. Our first message is from Kerry Wilkes, the College Principal:  'LGBTQ+ history month is important to me to rai...

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      462 Hits
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