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  421 Hits

Samaritan's Small Talk Saves Lives Campaign

Image shows cream background with a green print of a coffee cup in the middle. Text reads A little small talk like: Hi, where can I get a coffee? can be all it takes to start someone on a recovery journey.

A little small talk and a simple question like "Hi, where can I get a coffee?" can be all it takes to interrupt someone's suicidal thoughts and could help set them on the journey to recovery. The Samaritans campaign will run from 21 February to 12 March 2023. For more information head here:  Small Talk Saves Lives | Campaigns | Samar...

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  401 Hits

Eating Disorders Awareness Webinar

Eating Disorders Webinar

CAMHS and the specialist all-age eating disorder services team is hosting an eating disorders awareness webinar during this year's Eating Disorders Awareness Week. The online event will be taking place via Zoom on Monday 27 February, 10am – 11.30am and will shine a spotlight on the service, helping to raise awareness and grow understanding of eatin...

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  446 Hits

Walsall Health Walk

Health Walk Walsall Photo taken by Zak, Recovery College Facilitator

Walking is one of the best exercises for your health and it's FREE! A good walk can do wonders for your mental wellbeing in fact, being active has a whole range of benefits It improves self-perception and self-esteem, mood and sleep quality, and it reduces stress, anxiety and fatigue. We run weekly Health Walks in Wolverhampton, Walsall, ...

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  557 Hits

Living Well Project, Dudley

Living Well Sessions, Dudley

Are you a migrant or from an ethnic minority community? Are you looking to improve your parental skills? Do you want to voice your concerns to health professionals? If Yes, This Living Well Project is designed to support you to understand/participate in health and well-being activities, gain skills in parenting and developing the confidence to enga...

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  460 Hits

Let's Get Walking!

Image shows lemon yellow background with a blank white box in the top left. Let's Get Walking is written in bold black text in the box.  To the right are logos for Wellbeing Walks (Sandwell Strides) and Healthy Sandwell in green capital letters. Below are purple boxes headed Where? and When? on the left and right of the image respectively.

Looking to do some walking and feel better mentally and physically? Our friends the Ramblers are offering free walks every week across Tipton, Wednesbury, West Brom, Smethwick and Rowley Regis. It's almost impossible not to feel good when you're walking outdoors – it's a natural mood-booster! And the great news is you don't need to walk far or...

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  443 Hits
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