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    Let's Get Walking!

    Image shows lemon yellow background with a blank white box in the top left. Let's Get Walking is written in bold black text in the box.  To the right are logos for Wellbeing Walks (Sandwell Strides) and Healthy Sandwell in green capital letters. Below are purple boxes headed Where? and When? on the left and right of the image respectively.

    Looking to do some walking and feel better mentally and physically? Our friends the Ramblers are offering free walks every week across Tipton, Wednesbury, West Brom, Smethwick and Rowley Regis.

    It's almost impossible not to feel good when you're walking outdoors – it's a natural mood-booster! And the great news is you don't need to walk far or fast to feel its effects on your health and wellbeing. Simply getting out is a tonic for our minds and bodies, and it can be sociable too.

    Almost all of us can manage a stroll, and Ramblers Wellbeing Walks make it easier to start walking and stay active. And you'll certainly never be short of good company. 

    For more information see their wesbite: 

    Wellbeing Walks (ramblers.org.uk) 

    We have also included a PDF of activities for you to check out below! 

    And don't forget we also run wellbeing walks too: 

    Health Walks (therecoverycollege.co.uk)

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