Just While You Wait

Just While You Wait

What is Just While You Wait? Information, Advice & Guidance (IAG) via group and 1-1 sessions in the community.Delivered by Level 4 Qualified IAG Professionals with over 10 years of combined experience of high quality support.Additional links and signposting to services throughout the voluntary/ community sector. It prepares participants fo...

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  472 Hits

Important WARNING to people living with Domestic Abuse

Nationwide Alerts

Do you know at 3pm on 23rd April, a UK-wide test of an emergency alert system will take place on every mobile phone in the UK?  If you're living with domestic abuse & you have a mobile phone hidden in your house 'Just in case'. Please remember to switch it off on the 23rd April.If you would like to know more please head to the websites bel...

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Basic Digital Courses at Walsall College

Basic- Digital Courses WC

Starting from 21st April, Walsall College will be hosting *free Basic Digital Sessions with Mossley Wellbeing Group for six weeks! Held at St Thomas' Church every Friday until 26th May, between 1pm - 2pm, there will be the chance for learners to improve their digital skills, with sessions including: Tips & hints on how to use your mobile phone ...

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Let's Chat Knit and Natter Group, West Bromwich

The Let's Chat Hub hosts a wide range of activities in West Bromwich, and is just about to start it's Knit and Natter group from this Friday, 17th April. This is a great opportunity to come to a warm, inviting community space, have a talk and take up some crafts. And it's totally FREE! For more information please email: Louise.colled...

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Dudley's Cost of Living Weekly Roundup


This round up has some really relevant cost of living information, some specific to Dudley Borough but others Black Country-wide and national. Included is support with heating, food, and other cost of living expenses.  Please find the word document attached at the end of this blog. File Name: Cost-of-Living-Weekly-Round-UP-31st-March-2023...

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Dementia Cafe in Dudley

Dementia Cafe, Dudley

Dementia 'Cafes' are informal support meetings for people living at home with dementia and for their friends/family/carers to attend together. People with dementia sometimes attend alone if they can make their way to and from the venue by themselves. The cafe takes place at DY1 building, Stafford Street Dudley DY1 1RT. The next cafe will run on Tue...

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Guided by You, Smethwick

Image shows out of focus van in background. Bold white and dark grey-green text is overlaid.

 Healthwatch Sandwell is an independent champion for people who use health and social care services, their role includes finding out what matters to people to help make sure their views shape the support their needs. They are working with Sandwell Health and Care Partnership to capture the patient and service user experience in ...

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A Sense of Place Project, Walsall Art Gallery

Image shows blue background speckled with lighter blue, a badge containing a sunset is at the top right. Stylised text runs across the top of the image followed by bold black text outlining the course which runs at the New Art Gallery Walsall.

Join a combines arts project at the New Art Gallery Walsall on the 21st March between 2-4. If you're interested in the links between art and nature then this is for you! The workshop will draw from the gallery's collection, to help with mindfulness and wellbeing. Materials and refreshments will be provided.For more information contact: Ju...

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Laughter Yoga with Maggie Thompson, Leasowes Park

Merrie Maggie Walk with Laughter Yoga

Join Merrie Maggie for a Laughter Yoga Session on Friday 17th March between 10:30am - 11:30am in Leasowes Park. Donations are welcome. Here's what she has to say:'Having run Laughter Yoga sessions since 2011, I can definitely state that Laughter Yoga is something I practice on a daily basis every morning and often at other times when I run my Laugh...

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Laughter Yoga with Maggie Thompson, March 2023

Laughter Yoga Basic Skills

'Merrie Maggie' Thompson will be delivering the 'Laughter Yoga Basic Skills' during March 2023. She has run it 'in-person' and online. As it doesn't involve 'in-person' assessments in order to gain a qualification, running the workshop online is an easy option so participants can join from their own homes.  This takes parti...

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Walsall Carers Walk and Talk

Join the staff at Walsall Carers Hub for a relaxing walk around the beautiful Walsall Arboretum and for a coffee and a chat afterwards.  Meet at the visitors centre, Arboretum Road, Walsall WS1 2QH on the last Tuesday of the month. Starting on 31 January 2023 at 10.30am – 12 noon.  To book a place call 01922 616 798 or email info@walsallc...

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Deaf Awareness Workshop, Dudley

Deaf Awareness Workshop

If you are interested in learning about diversity within the deaf community, and how to use sign language, this free workshop could be for you! Running for one day only on Tuesday 7th March 1pm - 4pm. Contact: 01384 818413 or email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Please find more information in the image below. 

  504 Hits

Zines for Wellbeing, Wolverhampton

Image shows bold black text on a light orange background with tangerine circles.

New Cross Hospital in Wolverhampton are running a series of Zine Workshops starting tomorrow, running until 21st March.  What can creating a zine do for your wellbeing? It can connect you to other people, help you feel listened to and valued, allow for freedom and choice give you something to focus on, enable you to try out and learn...

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Starfish - Wolverhampton Social Hub


Wolverhampton Social Hub have released their March 2023 course timetable.  (Running from the 6th March - 31st March 2023) Courses consist of both face to face & Zoom meetings. To get Involved! Info below Phone: 01902 771776 / 07949 290036 Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  503 Hits

Mental Health Participation & Service Development Questionnaire

 Are you aged 12-24 and living in the Black Country? Midlands Young Advisors are asking young people who are aged 12-24, and living in the Black Country about their views with the mental health service and how we can improve them. The survey only takes about 15 minutes to complete and is completely anonymous.  Have your say...

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  349 Hits

Healthwatch Sandwell: Health & Social Care Changes in Wednesbury Workshop


Join Healthwatch Sandwell to share your user experience of the health & social care service in helping to make change in local services.  Come join the workshop and share your views on the 28th February at 12-2pm  At Apostolic Church, 4 St James Street, Wednesbury WS10 7DY Book a place here! Phone: call or text 07732 683463 Email...

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  324 Hits

Help Us Transform Black Country Community Mental Health Services


Join the Black Country Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust to help us transform the community mental health services. Register here or scan the QR code!  www.communitymentalhealthtransformation.eventbrite.co.uk

  421 Hits

The WEA: Adult Learning Within Reach


The WEA: Adult Learning Within Reach have a series of courses to help you to get used to living in the UK. You will need to be at ESOL Entry Level 3 to join these courses. They all offer a good opportunity to practice your English, meet new people and have fun.  The courses are all online, which means you will need a smart phone, tab...

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  449 Hits

Samaritan's Small Talk Saves Lives Campaign

Image shows cream background with a green print of a coffee cup in the middle. Text reads A little small talk like: Hi, where can I get a coffee? can be all it takes to start someone on a recovery journey.

A little small talk and a simple question like "Hi, where can I get a coffee?" can be all it takes to interrupt someone's suicidal thoughts and could help set them on the journey to recovery. The Samaritans campaign will run from 21 February to 12 March 2023. For more information head here:  Small Talk Saves Lives | Campaigns | Samar...

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  401 Hits

Walsall Health Walk

Health Walk Walsall Photo taken by Zak, Recovery College Facilitator

Walking is one of the best exercises for your health and it's FREE! A good walk can do wonders for your mental wellbeing in fact, being active has a whole range of benefits It improves self-perception and self-esteem, mood and sleep quality, and it reduces stress, anxiety and fatigue. We run weekly Health Walks in Wolverhampton, Walsall, ...

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  557 Hits
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